What an entrepreneurial journey this has been! Increasingly tired of working hard for someone else’s, I felt led to start my first business!
Sprout/ Grow/ Bloom – My Entrepreneurial Journey
What a journey this has been! Almost 30 years ago, my entrepreneurial spirit awoke. I had been working in banking or accounting related positions since my early twenties. I was becoming increasingly tired of working hard for someone else’s dream and not having a dream of my own. I knew there had to be a better way; this couldn’t be all there was to life.
For much of my early adult years, a very dear friend of mine and I dreamed of opening a restaurant and naming it “Just Desserts”.
We planned to serve only rich desserts such as flourless chocolate cake and assorted non- alcoholic beverages and decorate the tables with pots of scented geraniums. We would probably have been our best (and only) customers but our spouses (and my mother) said “no” to the idea! My mother had forbidden me to ever open a restaurant because she felt it was the hardest work in the world, having worked in my grandfather’s restaurant for a number of years. Years later, I was able to correct her misconception and tell her that owning a flower shop in a small rural community was the hardest work!
Unable to fulfill my dream of a dessert restaurant, I began looking for ways to start my own business. I decided to start an herb business. I started out doing craft shows, herb fairs and teaching classes at the local adult education center. My friend unexpectedly passed away shortly after I started my business. As a way to deal with my grief, I wrote my first (and only, so far) cook booklet and named it “Just Desserts, Herbal of Course”. I continued my daytime job of working in banking in the operation department while I pursued my business during the evening and on the weekends.
My parents let me open an herb shop with a small greenhouse on their property. The herb shop was actually the house that the nearby Village had used for their Santa house when I was a small child. They decided to do something different for Santa and put the house up for sale. My parents bought it and moved to their property.
When I was a small child, I had sat on Santa’s lap in that very building and asked for him to bring me an herb shop in about 30 years. At least, that is what I say now. Turns out, Santa was busy that day so he asked my Dad to sit in for him. As the family legend goes, when I got back to the car , I looked at my mom and said “Santa has green eyes just like my Daddy!”.
I eventually joined forces with 2 other ladies and one gentleman and we opened Petals & Porch Posts in a small Central Illinois farming community.
At the same time as I opened Petals & Porch Posts, my husband and I moved to the farm that I grew up on in order to be there for my parents. They were older when they had me and they were beginning to have health challenges. We had a modular home build in the back yard for them and we moved into the “big house” (the farmhouse). The first year of all of us on the same property was a very challenging, learning process but we eventually learned to respect each other’s space.
In the beginning, Petals & Porch Posts was a combination antique & gift shop with a stand alone flower shop in the back part of the building. Over time, I became the sole owner of the business and decided to leave my banking career behind and devote all my energies to Petals & Porch Posts. The original florist returned to help me out .
My Entrepreneurial Journey Continues
My Mom passed away in August of 2014. A family friend moved in with my Dad in order to help keep him company. In 2015, I purchased an existing pizzeria and downsized Petals & Porch Posts and moved it into the building that housed the pizzeria. I changed the name of the pizzeria to Makin’ Pizza and began working with flour instead of flowers!
In September of 2017, my father passed away at the age of 91 ¾. By the time a person is that age, passing away shouldn’t come as a surprise. He didn’t suffer, he went really quickly , I just wasn’t ready for it.
In 2018, my husband & I were able to buy my great aunt’s house in Punta Gorda, Florida. We originally planned to be snowbirds for 2 to 5 years. In the fall of 2018, after a particularly grueling lunch rush, I decided it was thyme for a change and decided to sell the pizzeria and move to Florida full time.
This decision meant I would need to sell the family homestead where I had grown up and had lived for the past 18 years. My grandfather bought the farm in 1942 and my parents moved there in 1949. The house was originally built in 1893.
In late July 2019, I sold Makin’ Pizza to my manager and she changed its name to Mama T’s. I put the house on the market, and we moved to Florida in Sept 2019.
I shared a lot of the details and my experience downsizing and moving in a series of posts titled Thyme to Let Go ; How I Downsized the Family Homestead Part 1
The family homestead was sold to new owners on May 27, 2021. I wrapped up my Thyme to Let Go Downsizing series with this post: Thyme to Let Go: Part 7
My Entrepreneurial Journey Continues in Florida
From the early days when the business was known as Kim’s Kakes, Kuttings & Kandles, too to Petals & Porch Posts to Makin’ Pizza and now From Farmhouse to Florida, my love of herbs, decorating, flowers, cooking and family continues. I hope to share my love of these things thru my blog.
Other posts about “me” that you might enjoy:
Rooted & Established in Love: The Business Side
Wow, what a story! Best of luck on your new endeavors!
Thank you !
Thanks so much for sharing your story. It really touched my heart. Congratulations on the new blog.
Thank you!
Your story about Santa is adorable! I know you will do great with your blog and your fabulous entrepreneurial spirit!
Thank you so much!
I enjoyed reading your story. Your family farmhouse looks so much like my grandmother’s house which was built in 1911. My mom’s house is also similar, built in 1912. Built by the same person and similar in design.
Thank you , Paula!
Look forward to reading more about your ‘new’ life.
Thank you, Linda!
Wow, Kimberly … what a journey! I look forward to learning more about your new life in Florida! xo
Thank you, Juliet!
That’s quite a journey! Best wishes!!!
Thanks, Stacy! I love your blog!!!!
Love your sweet story!
thank you , Linda!
What a nice story, Kimberly! I love a little history behind the content.
Thank you, Allison! My mom was a great storyteller about all her “things”. I think I take after her in that respect!
What a creative life you have lived and continue to live. Best of luck in Florida.
Merry Christmas,
Thank you, Kippi! Merry Christmas to you too!