While I wasn’t born in a barn, my parents did keep me in a box! Even now, some of my favorite things are worn wooden boxes & rusty objects!
I was born before the days of infant car seats. Apparently, in order to keep me “safe”, my parents laid me in a box in the back seat! I don’t know if it is because I heard the story so many times or if I really remember but I can see myself riding along in the pink car we had, laying in my box looking up at the night sky. Most likely, it is a combination of memories of laying in the back seat coming home from seeing the doctor when I had a bad case of the flu or laying in the back trying to sleep because it was late when Dad picked me up at my Grandmother’s house.
Frankly, if they did keep me in a box, I am surprised we didn’t still have the box because my Mother didn’t get rid of very many things! One thing she did burn was all of her vintage paper mache Halloween decorations! I am still upset about that! The woman had all sorts of other things she could have burned but she chose to burn the German paper mache Halloween decorations! More can be learned about the process I went through after she passed away by reading this blog post.
This isn’t the box they used, but it looks like something they would have used!
How to Safely Clean Old Wood**
or maybe this old trough! This looks like something they could have used as well!
Birthday Treasures
I am still fascinated by worn wooden boxes and rusty objects! A few days after my birthday one year, my Mom asked me what I spent my birthday money on… I told her a carrier and a wooden box…. she looked at me kind of strange and said, “don’t you already have a lot of those?” Well, a girl can never have too many primitive carriers, boxes or cool rusty things, can they?
My Mom wasn’t the only one who liked to have a lot of stuff! I just like to “blame” her when I am whining about how long it took to complete the downsizing process. There are more details found here:
Speaking of Cool Rusty Things
My dad was a farmer and he had the coolest workbench in his workshop. This picture reminds me of his workbench.
He had a machine on his bench similar to this one.
During my final trip to the farm , I took the little grindstone off of the end of his machine and brought it back with me. I have it in the entryway now with an old skeleton key .
The large grindstone on the rusty stand was also one of the treasures I brought back from the farm. Here is a better picture of it.
It was in one of my Mom’s flower beds for years. I am so happy to have it!
My Dad’s Sea Chest
My Dad was in the Navy during WW2. One of the things I have treasured for years is his sea chest. It has a label on it (sadly now very faded) were he sent it to an old girlfriend! I am not sure how he managed to get it back when the old girlfriend found out he was marrying my Mom. I bet that is quite a story!
I have used it in my various homes over the years. Normally I used it as a coffee table. It now holds all of his Navy uniforms and other family treasures.
One of my Favorite Wooden Boxes
This old wooden box belonged to one of my uncles. He used it as his tool box. It is so neat.
How to Create A Rustic Inspired Vignette
A Vignette that Combines Wood, Rust & Whimsey
Early Spring Garden Style Tablescape
More Rusty Things!
These vintage metal hearts belonged to my paternal Grandmother. Dave tried really hard to put them in the metal recycling! I managed to rescue them! He doesn’t realize how close he came to being in the recycling pile!
These garden urns….
They belonged to my paternal grandmother. Somehow they ended up on the farm. I am so glad! They are probably one of my very favorite things! They fit perfectly in the garden in Florida!
How to Decorate with Antique Garden Accessories
Carriers or Tool Boxes
Divided Carrier on a reclaimed wood farm table
The Fireplace Mantel Decorated for the Seasons
My Favorite Curbside Find
I loved this primitive base cabinet! It didn’t make the cut of things to come to Florida, though! If you are interested on learning where I found it, you can read about it here:
Rusty Garden Tools
Summer Daisy Themed Fireplace Mantel
I Still Gravitate to the Cool Rusty Things!
Brocante! What in the World is Brocante!
Industrial Salvage
I found this awesome treasure at the local resale shop. It was tucked way back in a dark cubby in an almost hidden room. I think it is a vintage wallpaper roller! It is definitely a piece of industrial salvage! It is about 10 inches tall. I just love it! I haven’t found the perfect spot for it yet but I have some ideas!
Here is one way I used it.
I got it for a very good price compared to what similar ones are selling for on Ebay! It makes a great stand for a figurine.
Tightly Coiled or Spiraling Out of Control
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I so much enjoyed seeing all of your wonderful vintage finds.
Thank you , Paula!
I love rusty things too!
Thank you, Rebecca!
I remember early years of riding in the back seat of our car…never in a box though! I get being a “keeper” of things…and it sounds like the memories those things being to mind are important to you, too, friend. Happy Sunday!
Thank you , Leslie!
I really enjoyed seeing your vintage finds.
thank you ,Carol!
From the treasures that were your dad’s to the garden shots, the rusty things and of course the boxes…love this post! Pinned
Thank you, Sue! I do love my rusty things! My best friend, who unfortunately is no longer with us, could never understand my fondness for rust!
I would be upset to lose the vintage Halloween decorations too! You have so many wonderful items, but my favorite is your dad’s sea chest! I imagine that is quite the story, so glad he was able to get it back Kim! Wouldn’t you love to be a fly on the wall?
Yes, I would really like to know more about how he ultimately got the sea chest back! His ex girlfriend must have been more understanding than I might have been had I been in her shoes!