Want to learn more about the person behind From Farmhouse To Florida? Here are some interesting fun facts about me!
Fun Facts about Kim
I love rusty things, herbs, chocolate, reading and dogs.
How to Create a Rustic Inspired Autumn Tablescape
A classic picture of me with my husband: we are at a party…. I am reading a magazine and Dave is talking!
I drink a lot of Ice Tea and Diet soda.
I love to be on the water…. Not necessarily in the water but on it . My favorite way to travel is via a cruise ship. I think I could live on a cruise ship… well maybe not since I like to have a lot of stuff.
Definitely not the most flattering picture of me! I am sure it is the way I am sitting, but I look pregnant!
Contrary to what my husband says, I am not a hoarder! And although I have downsized considerably over the last 3 1/2 years, I will never be a minimalist!
I am an only child. I was quite sheltered and over protected. I didn’t learn to light a match until I was 19 and I have yet to mow a lawn. My mother might possibly have been the first helicopter parent in 1960. I am an introvert and don’t normally do well at extemporaneous speaking but I did ROCK my 2 appearances on CI Living in Champaign, Il when I spoke about Makin’ Pizza. Speaking of pizza, pizza is my favorite food!
I discovered baton twirling as a young child. Twirled baton as a teenager. I even won a few trophies and medals!
When I turned 50, I took lessons again so I could surprise my parents by twirling in the Homecoming parade! I was actually better at twirling 2 batons at the same time when I was 50 than I was in my teens!
More about my obsession with rusty things:
Worn Wooden Boxes and Cool Rusty Things
Five Secrets to Baking the Perfect Brownies
and of course dogs:
My Life In Florida by Gracie Mae Snyder
Kim did an awesome job twirling for her parents. She worked very hard to regain that skill!
thank you!