Petunia Pots

How to Make

These flowers may look delicate but with proper planting and care, they will provide you with long lasting blooms. Here is how to plant them in pots. 

I washed and sanitized my pots and then filled them not quite 2/3 full with fresh potting soil.  The planters do have holes in the bottom so that excess water can drain thru the soil and not collect in the bottom of the pot.

Gently remove them from their pots and carefully loosening the roots, I placed them in the pot at a slight angle so that they were resting on the lip of the container.  I used two Diamond Frost and one petunia in each pot.

Add enough potting soil to cover the roots.   Then water thoroughly before  putting them out.

Check out my top tips for planting and caring for petunias in the ground!

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