Red Geranium Basket

How to Create a

I started planting this combination of zonal geraniums & Proven Winners Diamond Frost when I had my flower shop!

I marketed this combo basket as “Diamond Cloud”.  Once the basket has a chance to fill out, it looks like the geraniums are floating in a cloud of fluffy white flowers!

Geraniums come in a variety of colors. I made a basket using the salmon pink geraniums in the post linked below. 

You will also need a couple of pots of either Diamond Frost or Diamond Snow (smaller version). 

In addition to your plants, you will need a hanging basket and a liner.  Potting mix or potting soil is also needed.

Fill the basket liner a little less than 1/2 full.  Gently remove the plants from their containers and place them in the liner.

The ones that are going around the edge of the basket are placed at an angle while the geraniums are placed straight up.  By placing the plants at an angle, it allows them to cover the edge of the basket and it looks more natural.  I used 2 geraniums and 2 Diamond Frost plants.

Once you have the plants placed how you want them, add more potting mix to cover the roots.  Add enough soil so that the roots are covered but leave about an inch space between the soil and the top of the liner. Then water the basket. 

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