Harvest thyme brings memories of growing up in the Midwest as well as memories of decorating for special occasions
For several years when I had my flower shop, my team and I were responsible for decorating the local Catholic Church in early November for their harvest mass. It was always an honor to be asked and we would try to come up with special displays for the area in front of the altar. We would decorate in late October or early November and then the display was left up until Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving afternoon, I would go take the display down so that the Church could start getting ready for the Advent season. Several times, my husband’s grandchildren would help. They loved throwing the pumpkins in the field behind the church!
Harvest Memories
Farming has long been a major part of my family’s life. My paternal grandfather farmed and later in life opened an implement store. He purchased the a piece of property outside of Ivesdale, IL in 1942. My parents moved there as newlyweds in 1949. I share more about the farm here if you are interested in reading about it.
I can remember coming home from school, changing clothes and going out to the field where my Dad was harvesting soybeans. I would climb into the wagon with help from the hired hand and wait for the combine to reach the end of the row. I am sure my mother never knew that my Dad let me play in the wagon as the combine was filing the wagon with harvested soybeans. That was probably the most dangerous thing he ever let me do.
California Farmhouse Dishes
These California Farmhouse dishes by Brock belonged to my Mom. The condiment server is simply adorable! I didn’t even realize she had this piece until I was packing up the dishes to move to Florida!
The chafing dish on the wrought iron stand is neat, too!. Once I figure out how to have a heat source, it will be great for keeping fajitas or crepes warm!
These dishes bring back a lot of memories! Even though they aren’t particularly coastal, they made the “cut” because of their sentimental value. My Mom used them as her special dishes. She mostly used them on Sundays and for Thanksgiving.
How many sets of dishes do you have? I have at least 3 full sets and parts of 2 others plus at least 2 place settings of 3 others! And this is after downsizing!
A Farmer Outstanding in His Field
One of my Dad’s caretaker’s took this picture of him standing next to the field behind his house. He was able to stay in his home until 36 hours before he passed away. He lived on the same property for 68 years. More about my Dad can be found here:
He remained sharp until he passed away. He loved to drive around the countryside and look at the crops. After he gave up driving, his caregivers would take him for a 2 to 3 hour drive almost everyday. It was late September when he and his caregiver returned from their daily drive. He couldn’t get out of the car. The pain in his knee was too severe. He actually asked to be taken to the emergency room. Usually I had to beg him to go. As I was driving him to the closest ER, we passed a field and I commented that the beans were still really green. He replied that it was because it was alfalfa , not beans! At the time, I didn’t realize that would be the last car ride he took.
My Mom had a needlepoint that someone made for her of the same saying that is on this sign. I found the sign at a store in Monticello, IL shortly after my Dad passed away. I miss him everyday. Some days are harder than others. These last few days have been particularly hard.
He was the Best! Anytime I asked Bob to borrow something from his shed, he always said sure! He had a great sense of humor! He just loved to get to know you better!